Tube: GP-5 (ГП-5)

May 25, 2013

The Svetlana GP-5 (ГП-5) is a glass-envelope beam power triode intended for use as a shunt regulator or pulse modulator in high-voltage systems.


How to set the AVR Fusebits

March 11, 2013

Learn how to set your atmega to work with various external crystals, program the fusebits, and build a fusebit doctor to revive your AVRs, in case you wrote the wrong settings .


Top 10 Radioactive Electronic Tubes

December 30, 2012

Some of these tubes contain small quantities of Cesium-137, Cobalt-60, Radium-226, Krypton-85. The radioactive elements have been added to increase the electronic response by improving the internal ionization processes.


Statie de monitorizare a radiatiei de fond in Timisoara

October 30, 2012

Locuiesc in Timisoara, si de curand am terminat o statie de monitorizare a nivelului de radiatii de fond. Cu exceptia catorva institute din tara, care rar dau publice graficele, statia mea e probabil singura alternativa de acest gen, accesibila utilizatorului obisnuit. Acest articol, redactat in romana, prezinta detalii asupra statiei, explica ce este radiatia de fond si cum apare ea, dar si ilustreaza grafice in timp real.