RUT955 is highly reliable and secure LTE Industrial router with I/O, GNSS and RS232/RS485 for professional applications. For a given application, several such devices were installed on buses and I was in charge of developing a positioning system using the Teltonika’s built in GPS capabilities. This was somewhat easy, as I worked with NMEA before.

The RUT955 rich config panel has a section for GNSS positioning (Menu->System->GPS) . There you can enable HTTP Post to have the GPS data sent to a server via the Internet.

Once enabled, the data is sent via HTTP Post as a NMEA string containing most relevant NMEA verbs to the script indicated in the URL Box.
HOST: ...
To handle the data, I wrote a simply NMEA Parser in PHP:
class ParserCoordinatesTeltonika extends Parser {
protected $deviceData;
function string2double($param) {
$brk = strpos($param,".") - 2;
if($brk < 0){ $brk = 0; }
$minutes = substr($param, $brk);
$degrees = substr($param, 0,$brk);
return $degrees + $minutes/60;
// file is HTTP Post body content, id is router/device id
public function __construct($file, $id) {
if (!$file)
throw new Exception('Invalid file');
if (!$id)
throw new Exception('Invalid id');
$latitude = 0;
$longitude = 0;
$speed = 0;
$altitude = 0;
$rmc = strtok(strstr($file, '$GPRMC'), "\n");
if ($rmc) {
$params = explode(",", $rmc);
//if ($params[2] != 'A') echo "Navigation warning error";
$latitude = string2double($params[3]);
if ($params[4] == 'S') $latitude *= -1;
$longitude = string2double($params[5]);
if ($params[6] == 'W') $longitude *= -1;
$speed = floatval($params[7]) * 1.852;
} else
throw new Exception('Invalid RMC coordinates');
$gga = strtok(strstr($file, '$GPGGA'), "\n");
if ($gga) {
echo "<hr>".$gga;
$params = explode(",", $gga);
//if ($params[0] != '$GPRMC') echo "Strange error";
$latitude = string2double($params[2]);
if ($params[3] == 'S') $latitude *= -1;
$longitude = string2double($params[4]);
if ($params[5] == 'W') $longitude *= -1;
$altitude = floatval($params[9]);
//echo "GGA " . $latitude ."," . $longitutde. " alt:".$altitude;
} else
throw new Exception('Invalid GGA coordinates');
//echo "lat:" . $latitude . " long:" .$longitude. " alt:".$altitude." speed:".$speed;
$this->deviceData = new DeviceCoordinates($id);
$this->deviceData->fields["time"] = time();
$this->deviceData->fields["latitude"] = (string)$latitude;
$this->deviceData->fields["longitude"] = (string)$longitude
$this->deviceData->fields["altitude"] = (string)$altitude;
$this->deviceData->fields["speed"] = (string)$speed;
public function getDeviceData() {
return $this->deviceData;
The Router sends GPS data about every 18seconds , by default. With the code above, got the location data in no time:
1611669411> lat:45.616936433333 long:25.652437083333 alt:649.6 speed:28.8912
And the application result, real time #airquality monitoring in Brasov, with sensors installed on buses: